

It was initially added to our database on. The latest version of Deskgram is currently unknown.
Overviewĭeskgram is a Shareware software in the category Miscellaneous developed by Marbenak. With its intuitive interface and customizable workspaces, Deskgram is a valuable tool for individuals and teams looking to optimize their workflow. In summary, Deskgram by Marbenak is a feature-rich software that enhances productivity by offering task management, collaboration, and project tracking capabilities. The software generates comprehensive reports that provide insights into project performance. Users can create projects, set milestones, and track progress through visual timelines. The software also allows for seamless integration with other popular collaboration platforms.ĭeskgram promotes efficient project management by offering project tracking and reporting capabilities. Users can communicate with team members, share files and documents, and provide feedback on tasks.


The software enables users to assign tasks to team members, schedule due dates, and monitor completion status.Īdditionally, Deskgram provides robust collaboration tools. Users can create to-do lists, set reminders, and track progress on tasks. Users can customize their workspace layout, add widgets, and configure settings to suit their individual preferences.ĭeskgram also offers powerful task management features. Download now 3.4 on 17 votes Developer: Deskgram License: Shareware 2. This software offers an intuitive interface that allows users to create and organize their own personalized workspaces. With Deskgram, users can seamlessly manage their tasks, projects, and deadlines in one centralized location. Deskgram by Marbenak is a versatile software designed to enhance productivity and streamline work processes.
